Introducing The Brick’s newest recruit

This week our newest recruit, Mel Walls, introduces herself and her new role:

“My name is Mel and I am the Brick’s new Re-Use & Recycle Education Co-ordinator. I will be working in partnership with Wigan Council with the aim of promoting a ‘waste-wise’ borough; by raising awareness about waste reduction, re-use and recycling.
I’ll be delivering fun and interactive sessions at a new education centre at the Kirkless Recycling Centre and also out in the community, visiting centres and schools. Through this education, I will also be offering people the opportunity to upcycle their own goods, volunteer with the team and also offer some training opportunities to help people learn new skills and increase their chances of employment.
This is my first blog- and it is particularly timely as the UK’s Recycling Week launches 25th September.
So in the spirit of Recycling Week, this blog is all about the easy, everyday steps we can take to reducing, re-using and recycling. You can also look out for my daily waste reduction tips throughout Recycling Week on The Brick Facebook and Twitter channels.”
Recycling Week Tips for a Waste-Wise Wigan

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle is the theme of this blog as we aim to promote Recycling Week. We can all do our bit to recycle more – not only to save money, but to enhance the living environment to make the Wigan borough an even better place to live.


Let’s be honest, we can all probably do a bit more when it comes to food waste. An easy first step is to freezing- many people don’t realise you can freeze milk, cheese and even fruit! Why not donate unwanted food items to The Bricks Food Bank? We rely on donations from businesses and the public, reduce food waste and donate unwanted food items and toiletries , for more information on suggested items to donate, visit


Got an old piece of furniture you no longer have use for? The Brick Works provides a place where furniture and other items can be re-used by upcycling them for sale in our shop. Not only does this provide vital income for the Charity and provides training and employment opportunities,  it also allows us the opportunity to provide necessary furniture items to those in the most need at little or no cost. Why not pay us a visit or have a go at upcycling at home?


Can’t resist a bargain and need to make space for that new coat? or making  space for your Autumn wardrobe? Why not recycle your unwanted clothing items by donating them to the Brick Shop where we give clothes free of charge to people referred by Wigan Council.

Want to find out more about the project? Contact Mel by emailing